Integrated Energy Therapy Learn to heal with the energy of the Angels. This is hands in energy therapy. No prior energy therapy experience needed. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself and others, and unlock your souls purpose.
Basic Level IET , 160 euro Sat May 7th 2011 9.30-5.30pn in Paulstown, Co.Kilkenny Our basic training class is a one day class that provides you with an: /Attunement to the Basic IET energy ray that will activate the 1st and 2nd DNA pairs and will empower you to energise and integrate cellular blocks. /Location and use of the IET energy integration power points /Introduction to Energy Anatomy and Cellular Memory Map /Increase in your ability to be an energy intuitive and read energy
Intermediate Level IET 215 euro Sat June 4th 2011 Paulstown, Co.Kilkenny Our intermediate training is a one day class that provides you with an: /Attunement to Intermediate IET energy ray that will activate the 3rd and 4th DNA pairs and will empower you to pull energy imprints out of the human energy field. /Learn to clear energy prints resulting from past life karma /Methods to 'esoterically dowse ' and interpret the blockages in the human energy field
Advanced Level IET 215 euro Sat July 2nd 9.30-5.30 Paulstown,Co.Kilkenny Our advanced training class is a one day class that provides you with an ; /Attunement to the Advanced IET energy ray which unlocks the 5th DNA pair and activates the energy of your souls purpose. /Use of the Heartnet pracess to manifest your dream. /Use of the powerful energy wave technique to clear resistance. /Build Heartbeams to anchor angelic energy into the Earth
To Book your place Please Tel 0861569907/0599726872 Class 2 Get in Touch With Your Angels Carmel Costello is now offering a class to put in touch with the Angels of the Energy Field. Meet and work with Ariel, Raphael, Gabriel, Celestine, Faith, Cassiel, Daniel, Sarah and Michael. /No prior Angel experience needed' /Learn to heartlink with the Angels. /See how these special angels can help you in your self-healing spiritual journey. / Add a spiritual dimension to your existing practise. Recieve a copy of the special workbook 'The Healing Angels of the Energy Field' by Stevan J. Thayer, which identifies the healing angel and its healing gift for each energy anatomy area. Dates yet to be organised. If you would like to gather a group to your home I would be happy to facilitate.
To book Tel Carmel 0861569907/0599726872
Sat March 6th from 12 am to 1 pm in Aislinns Health Food Store in Bagnalstown Co Carlow
This was a brilliant day had by all.
IET, Healing with the Energy of the Angels, All students and myself had a fantastic couple of days on Sat in Paulstown and Sun in Dublin .The Angels worked their magic in so many ways. Thank you Angels Thank you IET
ReplyDeleteIET Retreat in Dublin 9/10/10 What a fantastic day we had on Sat very memorable Thanks to all
ReplyDeleteKinesiology and IET get your complete health check emotionally, nutritionally and spiritually before the winter really sets in, Dont let the winter be a sad one. Make your app now for a health check up