Saturday, August 29, 2009

What is Kinesiology

Kinesiology is the study of muscles and the science of testing ans balancing them to restore equillibrium. It was developed by Dr George Goodheart and fellow chiropractors in the USA in the 1960s and 70s, When we apply Kinesiology we apply the information that the muscles can tell us about the mind and body to facilitate the healing process.
In addition to muscle balancing we balance the whole body using meridian theory, lympathic drainage, neurovascular holding points, physical manipulation and emotional stress release.
Our bodies operate on many different levels, electrical, emotional, nutritional and spiritual levels. Muscle testing is used to establish if any of these levels are out of balance and also establishes the most suitable remedy for the particular person being tested. This means that the person being tested will find out the root cause of the problem and the correct program to follow to get well again.
Conventional medicine tends to treat the symptoms of disease. The holistic approach is to find and treat the root cause of the problem by bringing the body back into balance. EXAMPLE a person who gets headaches frequently may take headache tablets for relief and this would treat the symptoms in that the headache may go away. However the headache could be caused by bad diet, or result from constipation, or stress or be caused by any number of other conditions. This means that the underlying problem is not being treated and could worsen over time leading to more and more serious symptoms. This is just one example of how treating the symptom may not always be the best may not always be the best thing to do. Kinesiology techniques can be used to help establish and treat the root cause of the problem from the word go.
Monitoring and testing the response of specific muscles can obtain a huge amount of information obtained directly from the body. This is possible because the body is like a computer, with a vast storehouse of knowledge regarding its condition. All the therapist does is access this knowledge.

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