Saturday, August 29, 2009


Prior to the year 2000 my life was totally different to what it is now. I was involved in the catering industry for approximately 20 years working 12 to 14 hours a day, which took its toll on the body, stress both physical and mental, and illness. I knew my body wouldnt be able to withstand the pace that I was going. So the year 2000 gave me the opportunity to opt out and change. This lead to an interest in complimentary therapy. I first trained in Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy and then I studied for 2yrs in the Kinesiology College of Ireland where I recieved my Diploma in Kinesiology. I continue to study adding Animal Communication, Quantum Healing, Magnified healing and Empower Therapy to my tool box. I now have a practise in Paulstown Co.Kilkenny Irl and I conduct clinic in Bagnalstown Co. Carlow Irl and from March 2010 I will conduct clinic in Kilkenny City.


  1. Hello Carmel, it sounds like you've led a colourful life. I look forward to reading more.

  2. Why thank you Athletesfoot, hope you are not too itchy
