Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kinesiology and Spiritual Healing available

Kinesiology and Spiritual Healing is now available in Blush Beauty , Parliment St Kilkenny every Monday. Do you feel tired and bloated after eating? Why not get checked for food allergies or sensitivities. Do you feel down and out, tired unmotivated, fed up with life. Why not come for emotional healing. Feel like a good check up. Call Carmel on 0861569907. Clinics also in Thurles and Paulstown, Co. Kilkenny

Friday, January 31, 2014

Body Butters on Shelf

All Body Butters made and on the shelf and moving. These body butters are very special made in a very sacred space and infused with Divine Love and Energy. We have Lavender, Orange and Orange and Grapefruit. These are made from natural ingredients only, Coconut oil , Shea butter, Jahoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E. Check out all other products which are also made from natural ingredients. . Contact Carmel for more details 0861569907

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Body Butters infused with divine love and energy

I am getting excited waiting on ingredients to make Body Butters, Lavender, Orange and Grapefruit and Orange. These are made from all natural ingredients and infused with divine love and energy. I will have them on the shelf by Friday 200grms 16.50 . Bring it on

Monday, January 27, 2014

Kinesiology for health and Well being

I will now practise from Blush Beauty , Parliment st Kilkenny every Monday from now on. Paulstown every Wed, Thur and half day Sat and Thurles at Health and Harmony every Friday. Booking by appointment only. Make this year a year for ultimate health , emotionally , physically , mentaly and spiritually.  Blessings Carmel